Well, lots of things going on around me, robbing me of precious "blogger" time. My multiply page hasn't seen my face in quite a long time and my facebook page is getting a bit of attention in the morning and now this page is suffering the ole Liane-withdrawal. Question is, did I take on more than I can chew? Should I be a one-page-woman?
For now I am dealing with a silly stomach bug... ggrrrrr..
Hope you all are doing much better... Don't you forget about me now... i'll be back soon !!! And I know I say this a lot, but I will come around and read your blogs (Thomas, mind slowing down a bit so I can catch up?? LOL) But seriously, when I am not on here, I do miss reading you guys.
I miss the daily smile with you Tom;
I miss the romantic travels with you, Thomas;
I miss the updates and thought provocation from you, Wifey;
I miss laughing at (or is it with?) your blogs, Walker;
I miss reading of your progress, Tree;
I miss reading all that's going on with you, Ranger Tom;
I miss perusing through your beautiful page, 1manview
and Roggy.. my addiction.. I miss reading all that you put forth
I miss so much more of so many more people, but I'd never finish this post if I keep up with the list..lol
I shall find an evening to devote just to you fine people, instead of my archeology magazine and such, ha.
Until then, I truly hope you won't forget about me... Tons of hugs and kisses and all that fun stuff from me to you !!!