I know, I know.. I am a bit late once again.... ANYWAYYYYYYYY...
Merry Christmas to you fine people !!!!
May you all have a most fantastic Christmas and holiday. Since I have already updated you in regards to what is going on with me and my family, I shall not repeat myself. For those who don't read mine or Lewis' or even the girl's facebook, we lost our wonderful dog Jessie December 17. She was diagnosed with nerve damage in her lower spine which was untreatable. She had her difficulties walking and just standing, as her hind-legs would just constantly give in, forcing her to the ground. She was almost 12 years of age and we'd like to say she lived a pretty darn good life. We miss her greatly.
To those who follow me on my research blog: I've posted something new !!! whoo hoo.. :-)
Have a great day !!! tons of hugs and kisses and all that fun stuff ;-)