Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A new week ;-)

Good morning my fine friends...

How are you today?  How was your weekend?  The girls were off for 4 days and somehow, this weekend seemed to be oh soooooo loooooong.   Strange, but we didn't do too much.  The highlight of our weekend really was the trip to the movie theater.  The girls met up with friends; Lewis and I went to see "Couples retreat"...  At the end of the movie, both of us discovered that we, too, are an "ass-couple" ..  Guess it's only funny and with a meaning if you saw the movie as well..lol. 

We've received tons of rain again.  Our rivers, once more, couldn't keep up with the rain fall and spilled over.  It's crazy... we were 3+ years in a drought and now this.  Today, we are supposed to have a full day of rain and should expect 4-6".  I want my summer back!!!  A nice thing to see though, is the lake... it's full!!!  just in time to hand all rights over to Alabama and Florida, eh?  ~ Sigh ~

So tell me of your weekend ;-)    Hugs and kisses and all the fun stuff ;-)


  1. April and I both said we were the ass couple, how funny. It was a hilarious movie. Our weekend was also a do nothing weekend, it was way to humid to be outside. I was outside for 10 min fixing my waer softener and was soaking wet from sweat, not fun. Tomorrow I head to Huntsille for business, come over and join me for a drink...lol. Wishing you, Lew and the girls my best. ~Curt

  2. Rain rain go away, gosh darn it... I know the drought was terrible, but now the other extreme... Huge hugs, and hopefully your weather will change...

  3. Morning to you. Thank you for stopping in and leaving a comment. I just wanted you to know it's OK not to be into spankings. I'm not either.. Other then a playful slap on the butt, that's about it for us... I was ask to write a poem on spanking.. I had to read stories and articles on it. I've found that spanking and D/s life styles are almost an art. It was fun to do, it gave me something different to write about... lol ... The weather here sucks... It's been as low as 34 degrees already. Looks like fall will be skipped this year. Have a good one...

  4. Curt -- ha ha.. you too, eh? i don't mind being the ass couple though ;-) it's a good thing, right? yeah, shall i swim to huntsville? lol ..

    Tom -- I know it... but then, what's worse our rain or that you already have snow? that's nuts!!! but you are a hardy people, eh? lol...

    1manview -- for having to read stories and articles about all that, you've done a pretty good job with your poem, i'd say. I am even more impressed now ;-) and 34F?? that's just crazy-talk. bbbrrrrrrr


What say you?